CMD 0x45 - "Component test"


DATA[0] component index:
      1: Combustion Fan
      2: Fuel Pump
      3: Glow Plug
      4: Circulation Pump
      5: Vehicle Fan Relays
      6-8: Not used by TT-V
      9: Solenoid Valve 
      10-14: Not used by TT-V
      15: Fuel Prewarming
      16: Not used by TT-V

DATA[1] Time to turn on device in seconds for testing.
DATA[2-3] Magnitude value, according to selected component and WBUS code.
      Percent: 2nd byte ist 0.5 Prozent pro bit (2 ~> 1%).
      Hertz: 2nd byte 1/20 Hertz pro bit (20 ~> 1 Hertz).
      RPM: 1st byte MSB, 2nd byte LSB of RPM value.




Empfangsbestätigung (CMD-Byte mit Bit 7 gesetzt).



TX: F4 03 45 .. .. 
RX: 4F 03 .. .. ..