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Service Identifier (SID) Liste

Service ID Service Name
0x10 Diagnostic Session Control
0x11 ECU Reset
0x14 Clear Diagnostic Information
0x19 Read DTC Information
0x22 Read Data By Identifier
0x23 Read Memory By Address
0x27 Security Access
0x28 Communication Control
0x2A Read Data by Periodic ID
0x2E Write Data By Identifier
0x2F Input Output Control By Identifier
0x31 Routine Control
0x34 Request Download
0x35 Request Upload
0x36 Transfer Data
0x37 Transfer Exit
0x3D Write Memory By Address
0x3E Tester Present
0x85 Control DTC Setting

With this service it is possible to retrieve one or more values of a control unit. This can be information of all kinds and of different lengths such as Partnumber or the software version. Dynamic values such as the current state of the sensor can be queried. Each value is associated to a Data Identifier (DID) between 0 and 65535. Normal CAN signals are meant for information that some ECU uses in its functionality. DID data is sent on request only, and is for information that no ECU uses, but a service tool or a software tester can benefit from.

  • artikel/uds/sid_list.1549885607.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: Mon. 11.02.2019 11:46
  • von go4it